
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Simple – Modern Black and White Color Scheme for Teenager Boys Bedroom Idea

Decorating bedroom should be done properly based on considering who the owner of the bedroom itself. If the owner of the bedroom is a teenager boy, then it is also important for you to choose the right bedroom decoration idea that could be really appropriate for teenager boy’s personality. Actually talking about teenagers boy bedroom ideas could be simpler rather than talking about bedroom ideas for teenager girls. Teenager boys do not need many ornaments like what wanted by teenagers girls. So, what should be done by you to decorate the right comfy bedroom for teenager boys then?

There are so many kinds of teenagers boy bedroom ideas which are available nowadays. If you see them, then you might have a conclusion that they are simpler than bedroom ideas for girls. If you should choose any sweet funky decorations for girls’ bedroom decoration ideas, then when you want to decorate teenager boys’ room, you should be better to choose simple and cool – funky decoration ideas. Most teenage boys love something cool, funky, and simple. Therefore, as suggestion for you, choosing simple – modern black and white color scheme could be really appropriate for decorating awesome teenage boys’ bedroom then.

Applying simple – modern black and white color scheme for teenagers boy bedroom ideas requires you paint the wall using the combination of black and white color paint. Besides, painting the furniture to be placed inside the bedroom with black or white color paint is also another great move that you should do. White painted book shelve and computer table will be awesome and cool then. Do not forget to give any available space where your boy able to put their favorite music instrument too inside the room. Floating shelve that painted in black could a really great spot for the boy to put their favorite music instrument then.

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